Thursday, September 29, 2011

Positive Discipline Part 3

Here's the 3rd part in the series on Positive Discipline: an excellent post once again. This series is amazing.

Now if only Eyana and I can follow it by the book :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Handling Sibling Violence

Though we don't need it yet, at some point, we just might! :) We've often seen parents getting worked up, upset, infuriated with such situations and the result is that the older child is either scolded strongly or even beaten up sometimes. Complete deterioration of the situation results and no one benefits or learns anything from the process.

A lovely post from Dr. Laura Markham of Aha! Parenting showing some skills in handling such sibling rivalry/violence situations -

Positive Discipline Part 2

Katie from Mommy Moment has put up part 2 of the Positive Discipline series. And excellent, it is, as usual.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Positive Discipline Part 1

One of the excellent parenting blogs has begun posting a series of articles on Positive Discipline.

Though I've read so many books, so many articles, yet - parenting doesn't come easy. It's so easy to degenerate into a battle of wills, using our age and size to forcefully make the little ones conform... I often end up using the wrong words, the wrong tactics.

Every little bit of information about POSITIVE Discipline and sharing of it, helps. So I'm putting this up here so that it gets a wee bit easier to know what to do, in the right way, for our kids.

Thank you, MommyMoment!! :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011