Thursday, October 11, 2012

Play and love at pre-school

In an age when parents, esp. in India, want to push their children to 'achieve', 'do', 'compete' - right from the time they are toddlers, this beautiful post by Teacher Tom serves as a timely reminder about what is really important and what education should be all about.

Thanks, Teacher Tom!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How often we do all the wrong things!

Just today we had a major tantrum and meltdown where I told my daughter to go to her room and stay there until she calms down. I read this blog post later in the evening.... how do we manage to do the wrong things so often?? :(

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What Does Your Child Think of Disciplining Tactics?

Even after reading what I think is loads of material on disciplining and bringing up kids well, I still get stuck in grooves of losing my temper, over-reacting, etc. How does my child react to these reactions of mine? What does she think of it?

Here's a lovely article by Janet giving answers to just those questions. Now if only I can keep these in mind before I 'lose it' the next time.