Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to say NO to your kids

It's all too easy to try and lay down the rules, raise my voice, show a firm index finger, show exasperation, threaten to smack, give deadlines, threaten to withdraw favourite toys, etc., when I want my toddler to stop what she's doing and do what I want her to do. Unfortunately, its mostly ineffective.

The situation deteriorates and she gets obstinate and then unreasonable and then heads into a full-fledged tantrum where 'reason' has all been lost.

All the parenting books come up with good ideas and ways of how to talk to kids and get them to do what we want.

Aha! has created a nice concise list:

Here are some more tips:

If only it was easy to remember during actual situations! :) I shall try! ;)

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