Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tips To Calm Kids Down


A perfectly awesome post by Katie - Practical Parenting

I'm going to be using the 'pretend' balloon blowing one and the story walk most often, if I can remember to when we need to bring in some 'calm'. Ms. E loves 'pretend' ideas so it should not be too difficult! The trick will be to begin the calming process before she goes completely berserk!

Thanks, Katie!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Positive Discipline Part 4

Where are we heading with Positive Discipline?

The ultimate goal is to have well-balanced kids, who know they're loved and have the self-confidence to face life.

Thanks to Katie Mommy Moment for this beautiful round-up of the Positive Discipline series.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Turn a 'No' into a 'Yes'

How often do we head into tantrums and fussy behaviour for no reason whatsoever! But is that true? Is there really no reason?

The reason lies in OUR behaviour -after reading this post below, I can see where and how we go wrong as parents in our dealings with our little ones. Yes, we're rushed for time; yes, we've got other things to do BUT making them rush is what makes them dig in their heels and get stubborn about what and how they want to do things. At their own pace.

So it seems to me - for anything we need them to do, we have to make provision for enough time - enough spare time for dawdling and wasting, for getting side-tracked, so that everyone wins and we have a happy toddler by our sides.

Read on!


Thank you, Lisa, your blog Regarding Baby is wonderful.